Guide For Authors
Applied Science and Convergence Technology (ASCT) pursues its advancement through the research paper, review paper, rapid communications, brief reports, and technical notes. It is concerned not only at scientists and researchers in the fields it covers but also at those in other fields who are interested in seven major fields; Vacuum and Space Technology, Surface and Interface Science, Semiconductors and Thin Films, Plasma, Nano/Bio and Data Science, Sustainability and Energy, and Photonics/Quantum and Display. Published bi-monthly. Manuscripts submitted to ASCT should be prepared according to the following instructions.
Research and Publication Ethics
Copyrights of all published materials are owned by the Korean Vacuum Society. All authors must agree
the Transfer of Copyright Agreement when they submit their manuscript. Materials appearing in the journal are covered by copyright. The authors are responsible for obtaining permission from the copyright holder to reprint in
ASCT any previously published material.
ASCT is an open access journal under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution on-Commercial License ( Please see our
Open Access Policy.
Submission and Peer Review Process
Publication Fee(s)
- (1) Article Processing Charges
- The publication fee of $300(US dollar) per article should be paid for the papers determined to be published in this academic journal except the papers requested by the editorial board.
- (2) Rapid Review Process Charges
- Rapid review process has an additional cost ($300 USD) in addition to the regular publication fee, and the rapid review process charge is not refundable under all circumstances. A rapid review manuscript starts a review after the process fee is paid. The decision will be made within at least approximately three weeks or more than if necessary.
Data Sharing and Archiving Policy
ASCT encourages data sharing wherever possible unless this is prevented by ethical, privacy, or confidentiality matters. Authors wishing to do so may deposit their data in a publicly accessible repository and include a link to the DOI within the text of the manuscript.
ASCT provides the electronic backup and preservation of access to the journal content in the event the journal is no longer published by archiving in the National Library of Korea ( Authors can archive publisher’s version/PDF.
1. Manuscript Preparation
General Requirements
- The entire manuscript should be written in English.
- The manuscript should be framed at the standard of A4 with proper margin on the left, right, top, and bottom.
- Acceptable manuscript file types are MSWord, MS Word only.
- The equations, tables, and figures are indicated as ‘Eq. (1)’, ‘Table IV’, and ‘Fig. 3’, respectively, and are given the numbers in the order of being appeared in the text. The figures should be submitted in the quality that can be published electronically, and the letters and numbers in figures should be big enough in size considering that they may be reduced. Avoid any large size differences of the lettering and labels used within one illustration. Figures will appear in color in the online. Provide captions to illustrations separately, not attached to the figure. Identify all figure parts with (a), (b), etc. Explain all symbols and abbreviations used.
- The International System of Units (SI) units are used for units in principle, and the international practices are applied correspondingly.
- The level of statistical significance is expressed as p-value.
- The names and locations (city, state, and country only) of manufacturers should be given.
Electronic graphics formats
- Use these file formats only: TIFF (.tif), JPEG (.jpg), GIF(gif.).
- Submit a single file for each figure with figure parts: label each part (a), (b), etc.
- Line art: 600 dpi resolution and black/white bitmap, not grayscale.
Halftones: 264 dpi resolution and grayscale, not black/white bitmap.
Combinations (line art + halftone): 600 dpi and grayscale, not black/white bitmap.
Color: 300 dpi JPG, TIFF.
2. Manuscript Type
- The manuscript should be arranged in the order of the title, running title within 10 words, name of authors, affiliation (+address), abstract (within 250 words), keywords (about 5 keywords), contact information (e-mail) of corresponding author, main text, acknowledgements, conflict of interest, references, figure and figure legends, and tables (Do not attach supplementary materials or appendix as they will not be typeset).
- At the time of submission, please specify the category of paper (research paper, review paper, letter, brief report, or technical note) and the academic field (Vacuum and Space Technology, Surface and Interface Science, Semiconductors and Thin Films, Plasma, Nano/Bio and Data Science, Sustainability and Energy, Photonics/Quantum and Display).
- Research papers
- Research papers are those including original or pioneering contents on a specific topic. It should include an introduction, materials and methods, results, and discussion according to scientific logic, and present a summary at the end of the main text.
- Review papers
- Review papers serve to introduce recent findings on important topics. Editor-in-Chief can invite professionals to submit a review paper(s) without peer review.
- Letters
- Letters are papers of a short length with timely and important physical findings, free-standing opinions, comment on the papers already published, or answers for those comments.
- Brief reports and technical paper
- Brief reports are the same as research papers except that their short length.
3. References
The references are cited as [citation numbers] in the order of being mentioned in the text (e.g., [1], [2,3], and [4-6,9]), and should be presented altogether as “References” at the end of the main text. The journal article should be written in the order of authors, name of the academic journal, number of volume, number of the first page, and (year). The books are written in the order of authors, title, (publishing company, place of publication, year of publication), and number of pages cited.
- [1] H. G. Kim, J. G. Lee, A. B. Lee, C. D. Kim, and H. H. Park, Appl. Sci. Converg. Technol. 15, 123 (2018). DOI:
- [2] H. G. Kim (over 10 authors) et al., Appl. Sci. Converg. Technol. 15, 123 (2018). DOI:
- [3] H. G. Kim and H. S. Lee, Appl. Sci. Converg. Technol. 15, 123 (2018). DOI:
- [4] G. H. Kennedy, Vacuum Technology (Prentice-Hall, New York, 2005), pp. 88–105.
- [5] H. K. Kim, Proceedings of the 2001 Spring Meeting of the Korean XXX Society, edited by D. H. Lee (Seoul, Korea, April 23-24, 1999), Vol. 1, pp. 130–152.
- [6] H. Kim, Saclay Report No. CEA-R5000, 1999.
- [7] M. T. Man, Ph.D. thesis, Harvard University, 1965.
- [8] The Korean Vacuum Society (accessed Jul. 1, 2013).
- [9] H. G. Kim, U.S. Patent 1,234,567 (2018).
Author Inquiries
Supplementary provision
These rules are effective from February 15, 1996.
(Established in February 15, 1996)
(1st Revised in July 1, 2006)
(2nd Revised in January 1, 2014)
(3rd Revised in March 1, 2014)