In-situ high-temperature heating setup of the scanning transmission x-ray microscopy (STXM) at Pohang Light Source. (Up left) A sample holder with an in-situ heating microchip installed inside the STXM chamber. (Up right) An optical image of the in-situ heating microchip showing the heating pattern on the interior of a silicon nitride window (red solid-lined box). (Middle right) An optical image of the microheater pattern (400 × 400 µm2) and (Low right) the 19 isothermal wells for sample mounting. (Low left) A schematic drawing of the in-situ heating holder (Norcada Inc.) along with its overall dimensions.
Gyeong-Ji Kim, Lina Kim, and Oh Seok Kwon
ASCT 2023; 32(1): 1-6
Bhimanaboina Ramulu and Jae Su Yu
ASCT 2024; 33(3): 53-61
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