eISSN 2288-6559
Fig. 2. Simulated constant energy contours of (a) ABC- and (b) ABA-stacked trilayer graphene at EEF = –1.0 eV for the first Brillouin zone, denoted by the white-dashed hexagon. The simulation has been done for X-polarized light. Simulated constant energy contours of (c) ABC- and (d) ABA-stacked trilayer graphene for X-(left) and Y-(right) polarized light for the area denoted by the white rectangle in panels (a) and (b). The inner (left panels), middle (middle panels), and outer (right panels) bands of (e) ABC- and (f) ABA-stacked trilayer graphene simulated with X- and Y-polarized lights at EEF= –1.0 eV.
Applied Science and Convergence Technology 2024;33:91~95
© Appl. Sci. Converg. Technol.

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