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Research Paper

Applied Science and Convergence Technology 2024; 33(6): 171-175

Published online November 30, 2024


Copyright © The Korean Vacuum Society.

Effect of Temperature on the Reaction Products of Silicon in Fluorine-Based Plasmas

Min Koo

Department of Semiconductor Engineering, Daejeon University, Daejeon 34520, Republic of Korea

Correspondence to:minkoo@dju.kr

Received: November 25, 2024; Revised: November 28, 2024; Accepted: November 29, 2024

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A key aspect in understanding silicon etching mechanisms is analyzing the characteristics of volatile reaction products, whose properties, particularly stoichiometry, vary significantly with temperature and fluorine coverage. These variations influence crucial etching attributes, such as reaction kinetics and the transition from isotropic to anisotropic etching. Temperature and fluorine coverage thus emerge as the primary determinants of the stoichiometry and complexity of reaction products. At low temperatures, the Langmuir-Hinshelwood mechanism dominates, where bimolecular reactions between adsorbed species produce SiF4 as the major product. As temperature increases, thermal desorption becomes the primary mechanism, favoring the formation of SiF2 and SiF. Similarly, fluorine coverage influences reaction pathways: under low coverage, SiF4 is predominant, while higher coverage leads to more complex intermediates such as Si2F6 and Si3F8 through bimolecular or trimolecular reactions involving SiF3 and SiF2.

Keywords: Etching mechanism, Reaction product, Temperature, Thermodynamic

Examining the characteristics of the volatile reaction products that drive the etching process is a critical component of studying and modeling etching mechanisms. The properties of these reaction products, particularly their stoichiometry, can vary significantly with increasing temperature, leading to considerable changes in the etching mechanisms. In such scenarios, fundamental characteristics of etching−such as reaction kinetics and the transition from isotropic to anisotropic etching−may undergo profound alterations. Therefore, analyzing the effects of temperature variations is essential to derive meaningful insights, especially regarding etching kinetics and anisotropy.

In the case of silicon etching by fluorine, determining the precise stoichiometry of the SixFy etching products under various experimental conditions−including the gas or plasma state, concentration or flux of reactive species, temperature, and ion bombardment−is crucial. The aim of this study is to explain the formation conditions of various reaction products reported in previous research through a thermodynamic evaluation with respect to temperature and to validate these findings experimentally.

It is widely accepted that the major reaction product of silicon etching by fluorine at low temperatures is SiF4. This result has been experimentally confirmed by numerous authors [18] under various operating conditions, including XeF2, F, and SF6 plasma. However, other minor reaction products have been identified by mass spectrometry, including Si2F6 [79], Si3F8 [7,9], and SiF2 under certain plasma etching conditions [1].

Despite many difficulties in interpreting mass spectrometry results, it is now accepted that SiF4 and Si2F6 are the main reaction products of silicon etching in gases. In plasma, identifying reaction products by mass spectrometry is even more challenging due to inelastic collisions within the plasma volume. Moreover, ion bombardment can alter the distribution of reaction products.

To avoid dissociation and recombination reactions in the plasma volume, Petit and Pelletier [1] analyzed the reaction products transmitted through a silicon grid subjected to ion bombardment of about a hundred eV in a SF6 plasma, using mass spectrometry. After separating the contributions of SiFx and COFx species to peaks 47 and 66 (where x = 1 or 2), they verified that when the fluorine coverage on the silicon surface becomes less than the critical coverage (θ < θc), SiF2 emerges as an important reaction product. While SiF4 remains the major reaction product, SiF2 can contribute up to 15 % of the reaction products [1]. Measurements by Winters and Plumb [7] and conclusions by Sebel et al. [10] on the significant production of SiF2 in the presence of ion bombardment support this finding.

Beyond the identification of reaction products, some experimental observations about their distribution at room temperature (RT) are particularly interesting. For instance, Houle [8] found that during the etching of silicon by XeF2, more SiF4 desorbed from n-doped silicon than from p-doped silicon and, correspondingly, more Si2F6 desorbed from p-doped silicon than from n-doped silicon. Similarly, Yarmoff and McFeely [11] observed that during the etching of silicon by XeF2, n+-doped samples exhibited a slightly thinner SiFx layer (or coverage θ) than lightly doped samples, while p+-doped samples showed a much thicker SiFx layer (greater coverage θ). Another interesting result [9] is that the percentage of desorbed Si2F6 is higher during the etching of silicon by atomic fluorine (F) than by XeF2.

Several studies have demonstrated that the concentration of SiFx adsorbed on the surface during etching is significantly altered as the substrate temperature increases. In these studies [9,11,12], at T = 300 K, the adsorbed SiFx phase (layer) consists of a mixture of adsorbed species: SiF3, SiF2, and SiF. As the temperature rises, the amount of SiF3 species in the layer decreases, while the amounts of SiF and SiF2 increase. Beyond a temperature of approximately 600 K, the layer primarily consists of SiF [6,13].

Characterizing desorbed species during etching, Winters and Plumb [7] and Winters and Coburn [9] also revealed a change in etching reaction products as a function of substrate temperature. They showed, for the first time using mass spectrometry, that as the temperature increases, the contributions of Si2F6 and subsequently SiF4 to the reaction products decrease, while the desorption of SiF2 increases starting at 600 K. Above 600 K, SiF2 becomes the main reaction product. In summary, SiF4 is the dominant reaction product at temperatures T < 600 K, while SiF2 becomes the dominant reaction product at temperatures T > 600 K.

Engstrom et al. [6], who obtained identical results, experimentally verified that the thermal desorption of SiF2 was complete at 800 K and that the adsorption energy (corresponding to the desorption activation energy) of SiF2 was 59 kcal/mol (2.56 eV).

The operational conditions for the etching depth according to temperature in SF6 plasma were set as follows. Plasma generation was achieved using a radio-frequency (RF) power fixed at 500 W, with an SF6 pressure maintained at 23 mTorr. The RF self-bias voltage was kept constant at −30 V, corresponding to an RF power range of 5 to 16 W. The temperature of the substrate was varied across a range from 30 to 500 °C. The etching process was carried out for a fixed duration of 2 min. In addition, the operational conditions to assess the influence of doping and temperature on silicon etching were as follows. The 2.45 GHz microwave power for plasma generation was fixed at 1,000 W, with the SF6 pressure maintained at 3 mTorr. The RF self-bias voltage was set to −30 V, corresponding to an RF power of 10 W. The temperature range explored was from −83.7 to 30.0 °C. The etching process was conducted for a duration of 3 min.

3.1. Thermodynamic studies

Silicon/fluorine system

All previous studies have highlighted the apparent complexity of the various conditions under which silicon etching by fluorine-based gases and plasmas has been investigated. However, none of the cited studies report results related to a thermodynamic analysis of the silicon/fluorine system. Indeed, understanding the final state of a given system can provide valuable insights, particularly regarding the final reaction products or potential intermediate products on the path to equilibrium.

The present thermodynamic study focused on low-pressure conditions (a total pressure of 1 mTorr) and plotted the volumetric fraction of volatile reaction products, as recorded in the Thermodata database, as a function of temperature. The results are presented in Fig. 1. As shown in Fig. 1, up to 1,000 K, the stable final state of the system is SiF4. Beyond 1,000 K, SiF3 and subsequently SiF2 emerge as the main stable products alongside SiF4. This clearly demonstrates that in nearly all experimentally explored operating conditions, SiF4 is indeed the final reaction product. Evidently, reaction products such as SiF2 or Si2F6 are merely intermediate products that appear due to favorable reaction kinetics. A first observation regarding Fig. 1 concerns the absence of Si2F6 and Si3F8 among the potential reaction products. This omission is due to a lack of data, which explains their absence in the calculations [14]. However, some estimates suggest that the presence of Si2F6 [79] and Si3F8 [7,9] as intermediate products is likely and that they would compete with SiF3 in the thermodynamic study. In terms of the results, Si2F6 would substitute for two SiF3 molecules.

Figure 1. Volume fraction of volatile reaction products in the silicon/fluorine system as a function of temperature. The total pressure is fixed at 1 mTorr.

Stability of SF6

A consequence of the change in the stoichiometry of reaction products during silicon etching in fluorine-based plasmas is the likely increase in the etching kinetics. Specifically, if the flux of F absorbed on silicon is assumed to remain constant and independent of the substrate temperature, the number of silicon atoms desorbed in the form of SiFx reaction products varies inversely with x. In other words, the silicon etching rate should double when transitioning from SiF4 to SiF2.

A condition to verify this, for instance in SF6 plasma, is that the flux of F provided by the plasma remains unchanged. It is therefore useful to first verify the stability of SF6 within the temperature range accessible experimentally. The results [14] are presented in Figs. 2 and 3, which show the evolution of the volumetric fraction of volatile reaction products, as recorded in the Thermodata database, as a function of temperature. The calculations were performed for total pressures of 1 mTorr (Fig. 2) and 10 mTorr (Fig. 3). As expected, Figs. 2 and 3 show similar trends, but with shifts toward higher temperatures as the pressure increases. At 1 mTorr, SF6 begins to decompose into F and SF4 at around 900 K, whereas this decomposition starts at approximately 975 K at 10 mTorr. Beyond 1,200 K, SF2 is also observed among the decomposition products. These results demonstrate that SF6 is highly stable up to around 900 K and that its thermal dissociation will not contribute significantly to the dissociation occurring in the plasma.

Figure 2. Volume fraction of SF6 decomposition products as a function of temperature. The total pressure is fixed at 1 mTorr.

Figure 3. Volume fraction of SF6 decomposition products as a function of temperature. The total pressure is fixed at 10 mTorr.

3.2. Discussion on etching mechanisms

Reaction kinetics

The thermodynamic study of the Si/F system has shown that the stable final state is SiF4 up to 1,000 K. In other words, Si2F6 and SiF2 can only be considered intermediate reaction products on the path to the system’s stable final state. To arrive at distinct intermediate products, it is necessary to follow different reaction pathways. Therefore, to provide a comprehensive explanation for all the observed experimental results, it is essential to identify the common denominator governing the surface mechanisms that lead to the various reaction products. In proposing an explanation, it is important to note that, at a constant fluorine adsorption flux (v), the surface coverage (θ) decreases as the desorption flux increases, such as under the influence of ion bombardment. In the case of silicon etching activated solely by thermal means, the coverage rate can generally be expressed as follows:


Equation (1) demonstrates that, at a constant adsorption v, the θ rate varies depending on the reaction kinetics of etching, defined by the reaction time (τ). Thus, the shorter the τ is, or the faster the reaction rate is, the lower the θ will be. σ0 is the adsorption site density in the monolayer. A similar reasoning can apply to etching induced by ion bombardment: the more intense the ion bombardment is, the faster the induced desorption of reaction products and the lower the θ will be. In other words, the common denominator across all the experimental results related to silicon etching is the θ rate. If the θ is high, the adsorbed phase will contain SiF3 and SiF2 species in significant densities. If these species are in close proximity to each other, they can react (via a Langmuir-Hinshelwood reaction mechanism) to form SiF4, Si2F6, and Si3F8 through the following reactions:


Naturally, as Si2F6 (or Si3F8) is inherently an unstable intermediate product, SiF4 emerges as the predominant reaction product. When the θ decreases, the possibility of two SiF3 groups being in close proximity is eliminated, resulting in SiF4 becoming the sole reaction product at RT. With a further reduction in coverage, such as through thermal activation or ion bombardment, it becomes impossible for two SiF2 groups to be adjacent. In this scenario, the only spontaneous reaction pathway involves the thermally activated desorption of SiF2, which occurs from approximately 600 K. Similarly, in plasma environments, a decrease in coverage leads to a notable increase in the ion-induced desorption of SiF2 [1].

In conclusion, at RT and high coverage levels, SiF4 and Si2F6 are the dominant reaction products. At lower coverage levels, SiF4 remains the primary reaction product. Under conditions of ion bombardment or elevated temperatures−where coverage levels are significantly lower−SiF2 also emerges as an important reaction product. This framework provides a comprehensive explanation for the previous experimental observations. For instance, the faster reaction kinetics observed with n+-doped silicon compared to p+-doped silicon (i.e., a shorter τ for n+-doped silicon) result in lower fluorine coverage on n+-doped silicon than on p+-doped silicon. Accordingly, it is consistent to observe higher levels of Si2F6 (and lower levels of SiF4) desorbed from p+-doped silicon relative to n+-doped silicon. Another notable finding is the higher percentage of Si2F6 desorbed during silicon etching by F compared to XeF2. This result can be interpreted by positing [6] that the reaction kinetics are faster with XeF2 than with F, as previously reported [9]. Under this assumption, the fluorine coverage rate on silicon is higher [as delineated in Eq. (1)] when etching with F, which explains the increased percentage of Si2F6. Furthermore, this difference in reaction kinetics implies that equilibrium (and thus the steady state) is achieved much more rapidly with XeF2 (and F2) than with F [6].

Consequences on the transition from isotropic to anisotropic etching

The consequences of these results and the hypotheses proposed to explain the transition from isotropic to anisotropic etching are relatively straightforward. At RT, when the surface is at the critical coverage (θc), a well-ordered layer of -SiF2-SiF-SiF2-SiF- is formed due to the repulsive interactions between neighboring fluorine adatoms. Under these conditions, the formation of SiF4, and even more so Si2F6, is not possible. If the temperature of the silicon surface is increased, two modifications can occur. (i) Direct desorption of SiF2 (as the temperature approaches 600 K): in this case, the transition disappears entirely. (ii) Creation of surface disorder: when kT becomes comparable to the energy of repulsive interactions between neighboring fluorine adatoms, the silicon surface transitions from a highly ordered state to a disordered one. Under these conditions, the isotropic-to-anisotropic etching transition, which is abrupt at RT, becomes increasingly gradual with rising temperature.

While it is feasible to estimate the desorption kinetics of SiF2 based on its adsorption energy (2.56 eV), the lack of knowledge regarding the repulsive interaction energy between neighboring fluorine adatoms prevents an evaluation of the corresponding order-disorder transition temperature. While studying the isotropic-to-anisotropic etching transition as a function of temperature appears challenging, the evolution of the etching rate with temperature should be easier to observe in SF6 plasma. At RT, where the predominant reaction product is SiF4, the transition to SiF2 as the primary reaction product at higher temperatures should result in a doubling of the etching rate (the transition occurs between 500 and 700 K). Beyond 700 K (400 °C), it is possible that the desorption of SiF could be observed, leading to another doubling of the etching rate.

Figure 4 shows that the etching rate, initially constant near RT, gradually increases thereafter. The increase in the etching rate is less than a factor of 1.5 at 800 K, whereas, based on experimental observations of reaction product evolution from the literature, an increase of at least a factor of two was expected (due to the transition from SiF4 to SiF2). However, the thermodynamic study of the Si/F system (Fig. 1) indicates that SiF4 remains stable up to nearly 1,000 K, with SiF3 only appearing at around 900 K and SiF2 emerging at approximately 1,050 K. Consequently, a doubling of the etching rate is expected only beyond 1,000 K, which is above the temperature range of up to 800 K explored in this study.

Figure 4. Etching rate as a function of temperature. The etching duration is 2 min.

The experiments to assess the influence of doping on silicon etching were conducted and the results are shown in Fig. 5. Trends consistent with those reported in the literature are observed, specifically a clear difference in lateral etching rates between n+ and p+ layers. On the one hand, there is only a slight difference in lateral etching rates between heavily n+-doped silicon and lightly n-doped silicon [Fig. 5(a)]. On the other hand, a significant difference is observed between heavily p+-doped silicon and lightly p-doped silicon [Fig. 5(b)]. The qualitative results obtained on the n+/n and p+/p substrates are consistent with the expected outcomes, namely a higher reaction rate with n+-doped silicon compared to p+-doped silicon. Assuming a constant fluorine coverage rate (etching model hypothesis) on the bottom and sidewalls of the etch profile, a difference in lateral etching rate must necessarily appear when transitioning from an n+ layer to a p+ layer depending on the electronic structure of the surface. Conversely, the vertical etching rate (Vv) of silicon should be independent of both temperature and doping due to strong spontaneous etching in the temperature range explored in this study. To verify this, it is useful to plot the evolution of the vertical etching rate of silicon in an SF6 plasma as a function of temperature and for all doping levels (Fig. 6). Within the limits of experimental error, it is confirmed that the vertical etching rate, under constant plasma operating conditions, is indeed independent of both temperature and doping. To analyze the experimental measurements of etching rates as a function of temperature, the ratio Vl/Vv of lateral etching rate (Vl) to vertical etching rates as a function of 1/T should be plotted. The results are presented in Fig. 7. It is observed that, within the explored temperature range, the ratio Vl/Vv remains approximately constant with respect to temperature, within the measurement uncertainties (± 5 %). However, it is confirmed once again that silicon doping has a significant impact on the Vl/Vv value.

Figure 5. (a) Scanning electron microscope images of the etched profiles of n+/n layers and (b) p+/p layers. The substrate temperature is −83.7 °C.

Figure 6. Evolution of the vertical etching rate of silicon in SF6 plasma as a function of the inverse of temperature and for different doping levels.

Figure 7. Ratio Vl/Vv of the lateral etching rate to the vertical etching rate of silicon in SF6 plasma as a function of the inverse of temperature and for different doping levels.

Silicon etching by fluorine is primarily driven by the formation of volatile reaction products, which is strongly influenced by temperature and fluorine coverage. These factors play a critical role in determining key etching characteristics, such as reaction kinetics and the transition between isotropic and anisotropic etching. At lower temperatures, etching follows the Langmuir-Hinshelwood mechanism, where bimolecular reactions occur between adsorbed species in close proximity. As the temperature rises, thermal desorption becomes the dominant mechanism, leading to the formation of products such as SiF2 and SiF. Fluorine coverage further shapes the reaction pathways. Under low coverage, SiF4 is the primary product, formed through bimolecular reactions of adsorbed SiF2 species. In contrast, higher fluorine coverage encourages the formation of more complex intermediates, such as Si2F6 and Si3F8, through bimolecular or trimolecular reactions involving SiF3 and SiF2 species. Thermodynamic analysis provides valuable insight into the stability and distribution of these reaction products, which reflect the equilibrium state of the siliconfluorine system. The combination of temperature and fluorine coverage thus determines the stoichiometry and complexity of the reaction products formed during etching.

Special thanks to Dr. Jacques Pelletier and Prof. Ana Lacoste for data analysis and technical assistance.

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