Applied Science and Convergence Technology 2010; 19(2): 141-147
Published online March 1, 2010
© The Korean Vacuum Society.
Ingoo Kim , Eunji Oh , Yong Soo Kim , Sok Won Kim , In-Sung Park , Won Kyu Lee
In this study, high-k oxide films like Al₂O₃, TiO₂, HfO₂ were deposited on Si, SiO₂/Si, GaAs wafers, and then the thermal conductivity was measured by using thermo-reflectance method which utilizes the reflectance variation of the film surface produced by the periodic temperature variation. The result shows that high-k oxide films with 50 nm thickness have high thermal conductivity of 0.80∼1.29 W/(mK). Therefore, effectively dissipate the heat generated in the electric circuit such as CMOS memory device, and the heat transfer changes according to the micro grain size.
Keywords: High-k,고 유전상수,열-반사율법,열전도도,Dielectric constant,Thermo-reflectance method,Thermal conductivity