Applied Science and Convergence Technology 2011; 20(2): 93-99
Published online March 1, 2011
© The Korean Vacuum Society.
Wooyoung Kim , D. Jeon
We investigated how the surface roughness of electrode affects the charge injection at the pentacene/Au interface. After depositing Au film on the Si substrate by sputtering, we annealed the sample to control the Au surface roughness. Pentacene and Au top electrode were subsequently deposited to complete the sample. The nucleation density of pentacene was slightly higher on the rougher Au electrode, but surface morphologies of thick pentacene films were similar on both the as-prepared and the roughened Au electrodes. The current-voltage curves obtained from the Au/pentacene/Au structure measured as a function of temperature indicated that the interface barrier was higher for the rougher Au bottom-electrode. We propose that the higher barrier was caused by the lower work function of rougher electrode surface and the higher trap density at the interface.
Keywords: 펜터신,계면의 전위장벽,전극 표면의 거칠기,전하 주입,Pentacene,Interface barrier height,Surface roughness,Charge injection