Applied Science and Convergence Technology 2012; 21(3): 121-129
Published online May 1, 2012
© The Korean Vacuum Society.
Hyo-Chang Lee , Chin-Wook Chung
RF biased inductively coupled plasma (ICP) is widely used in semiconductor and display etch processes which are based on vacuum science. Up to now, researches on how rf-bias power affects have been focused on the controls of dc self-bias voltages. But, effect of RF bias on plasma parameters which give a crucial role in the processing result and device performance has been little studied. In this work, we studied the correlation between the RF bias and plasma parameters and the recent published results were included in this paper. Plasma density was changed with the RF bias power and this variation can be explained by simple global model. As the RF bias was applied to the ICP, increase in the electron temperature from the electron energy distribution was measured indicating electron heating. Plasma density uniformity was enhanced with the RF bias power. This study can be helpful for the control of the optimum discharge condition, as well as the basic understanding for correlation between the RF bias and plasma parameters.
Keywords: 유도 결합 플라즈마,극판 전력,전자 에너지 분포,플라즈마 밀도,전자 온도,플라즈마 균일도,Inductively coupled plasma,RF bias,Electron energy distribution,Plasma density,Electron temperature,Plasma uniformity